Total plants contributed
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days to go (ended Dec 15, 2021)

Contribution of Plants
Contribution for Thailand
NPP Project is a social project focused on Skin of the Earth Principles. This refers to the soil, plants and trees, humans and the environment. These skins will provide the natural raw materials to produce products for consumption by humans, animals, and trees and at the same time heal the environment to be kinder to the planet.

100,000 Plants and Trees to 10 Campus
In partnership with the Colleges of Agriculture and Technology in central Thailand, NPF has formed a joint cooperation under one branding academia to improve the agricultural production for 2050 initiative, as a Sufficiency Economy for Sustainable Development Goals. Spanning across 30,000 rai’s each plant and tree will be carefully selected for the perfect environmental conditions. CAT will enjoy the economic benefits of the plant with the environmental impacts.

From ground to grown
1. Seedlings with SuperSoil
2. Nursery (Distributor to Retail)
3. Fruits, Crop, or Flowers Harvest
4. Wood, Lumber, Biomass (end of life)

Grow and Heal
Restoring Thailand’s giant rain trees not only is ranked as one of the highest for collecting dust from the atmosphere, but the Samanea Saman is a national symbol. In response to Covid-19 native plant, Fah Talai Jone has been proven by top Universities to combat against Covid-19.
Explore each of the Colleges of Agriculture and Technology to see where your plant will be grown.
Total plants contributed
people contributed
days to go (ended Dec 15, 2021)
Why you should contribute with us?
Call for Action
Bangkok’s per capita CO2 emissions, are higher than those of other major cities, such as London and Tokyo. 84% of Bangkok’s greenhouse gas emissions are from energy use and transportation; 3% are from methane emissions from landfills and wastewater.
A Greener Cooler Thailand
Vegetation planting can reduce air temperature by 1 to 2 degrees Celsius as well as providing shade. The simultaneous process of transpiration and evaporation is evapotranspiration where moisture into the air can be produced.
Plant for Someone
By contributing a plant to a friend or family member in their name, it will raise the awareness about environmental impacts and reduce the carbon footprint. Their names will appear next to plant with a planting certificate.
Help contributing for plant today.
For every dollar or 32 THB, a plant or tree will be cultivated from our AgroFarm. Join our Nanoganic Precious Plant (NPP) project and be a part this social mission to not only regenerate a greener economy for our planet, but to grow healthy plants to heal our bodies during this pandemic state.
plants to go
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