Manage whole production
Accurately forecast agricultural products expected in each crop cycle through inventory control inputs and manage the production factors in quality, quantity and pricing.
Farm Management
Track your cultivation cycle from planting to harvesting to estimate the actual yield and harvesting period.
Make your supply inputs traceable for allocating and quality controls.
Sales and Purchasing
Manage your buying and selling list with purchase order and pre-sales order. Summarize all reports at hand.
Track all record involving all payable report, receiveable report, and tax report.

Internet of Things
Measure and collect the data of the area and real-time upload into cloud to monitor the variables within the environment and soil.
Irrigation System
Control automatic watering system and set the timer on the application
Soil and Environment
Identify the location, size and quantity of precious metals and organic compounds around the cultivaed area.
Temperature & Humidity
Monitor all cultivated area properties all at once by various sensors.

Remote Monitoring
Checking the production throughput and analyzing the environment real-time right on your device.

Track, identify, and trace
NPF ecosystem is built on top of blockchain technology to make the bridge between real world operations and our virtual decentralized SmartAgri contract management system.
Tokenization Platform
Able to coordinate that data between the different groups from farmers to the collectors, wholesales, exporters, importers, and finally to the retailers, the traceability of the food value chain can be identified to see where the inefficiencies are evident.
Every single data will correspond to a serial number or IP that we can then retrace and retrieve where the data are stored, in accordance to their block numbers and written directly in the blockchain constantly updating for near real-time accessibility.
Why Blockchain
Blockchain allows all the participants to have better access, quicker liquidity with lower search and transaction costs. This will improve the ecommerce on the digital side for search and track.